Paige on the Peak

About Me

About Me

Hi! I’m so glad you’re here! I’m Paige, founder and writer behind Paige on the Peak. This little corner of the internet has been waiting in the wings for 2+ years, until I finally decided to forget the fear and just press “publish.” Blogs have been a source of both information and inspiration for me for years, so I’m honored to create a space to share things which enrich my life on the off-chance they might also enrich yours. On this blog you’ll find posts about our latest home projects on our fixer upper, outdoor travel + hiking guides, and tips for living a more clean + sustainable life. My newsletter, The Weekly Peak, shares stories from the week as well as truncated versions of what I share on here.

I’ve been in Colorado since 2021, but am a full-blown North Carolina girl at heart. Both my husband and I are from Raleigh – we grew up only a few minutes apart, but never met until college at Appalachian State University in Boone (go ‘Neers!). Life is funny that way, isn’t it? You can read about how we met here. We moved to St. Louis, MO back in 2018 but found ourselves really missing the outdoors, which ultimately pushed us farther west to Denver. Oh, and in between all of that, we got married twice and pushed back our wedding three times thanks to covid. Ha! Read about our weddings here.

I’m a passionate, sometimes stubborn, person who loves to work hard and play hard. The past few years have taught me a lot about the importance of prioritizing our wellbeing while also keeping the planet in mind. My goal with this outlet is to share stories, tips, and recommendations to help others look + feel their best, both inside and outside of the home. I will always share my honest opinion, and I’ll never recommend something I haven’t tried and loved myself. If even one person finds something I post useful, I’ll have achieved my goal.

Above all, I love connecting with others who I can learn from – and who I can share a decaf latte with 😉 Feel free to send me a DM on Instagram, comment on one of my posts, or hit reply to my newsletter! I don’t have all the answers, nor will I pretend to, so we can all learn together. After all, that’s the beauty of life!
